With Thanks!

Sunday October 24, 2021

Wednesday October 20, 2021

Dear West Cummington, A restless Wednesday — or maybe you’re resting from your labors. Good work! We have two poems I loved when I was a kid at home I still do, all these years and several homes later.

Emily Dickinson, “The Snake” and Walt Whitman, “When I Heard The Learn’d Astronomer."

That and some good advice from T-Bone Walker “T-Bone Shuffle."

Love, Steve

Sunday October 10, 2021

Wednesday October 6, 2021

Dear West Cummington,

Our angels are grace in various bodies. Here’s one instance. But we can’t always wait for them. It’s hard work. You know, "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die." Here’s a message and the song, by Jimmy King. — Steve

And check this out: Galen, Melody and Steve Sanislo’s son, has his first art show! It’s at the Cummington Community House.

Sunday Oct 3, 2021

NOTE: Poor sound quality today… Better next time.