With Thanks!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

In the calm before thunder, here are prayers of appreciation for Old Masters and whippersnappers.

The music:
01] “Faded Love” by Doug Sahm. (Don’t have Patsy Cline)
03] “12th Street Rag” Albert Ammons at the piano. Yes, the father of Gene.

Thank you, deacons.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Zoom Service


Wednesday April 21, 2021

Dear West Cummington, I write this on Wednesday afternoon. Earth Day is tomorrow. We’ll spend some time there Sunday, but today I want to talk briefly about verdicts.

Intro: “No Hiding Place Down Here” by Dorothy Love Coates
Outro: “You Got To Move” by Koerner, Ray and Glover
In between, a message.
See you Sunday, one way or the other. - Steve

Sunday, April 18, 2021


Wednesday April 14, 2021 

What have we here?

1) "Street Music," recorded by Tony Schwartz in 1957

2) Prayers from the heart, if not the mind

3) "Glory, Glory, Hallelujah” by Robert Wilkins, bluesman turned preacher.

Play in the sun today. Take shelter tomorrow. Shovel on Friday.

Love, Steve

Preview: This Sunday, look for the return of Church-In-A-Box, featuring The Deacons

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Zoom Service


 Wednesday April 7, 2021

Dear WCCC,
I hope the good weather has gone to your head — and toes and hands and heart.
Here is : prayer, message and a song by Bruce SPRINGsteen.

Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Zoom Service


Maundy Thursday, April 1, 2021

A Church-In-A-Box service with guest stars, Penny Schultz, Hal Fales, Nerissa Nields, Tom Duffy and Elric Walker. A simple service of gospel readings and poems that evoke the momentous and often-ignored day that sets Easter week in motion.

Easter… Ahh, the big question: in-person or Zoom; outdoors or in your cozy spot? The deacons will read tea leaves or leave the tea alone or somehow consult the weather spirits and make a decision which will be emailed shortly after 5 pm on Thursday. What time on Sunday? If we meet outdoors: 11 am Sunday. If we Zoom, it will be at 10 (the usual).

And now for something completely different: <
John Bye expands his media empire! Read on!

"In this confusing and divided time, we may find ourselves wondering: What do we hold in common with friends, neighbors and others living in our communities? What do we share?

“I've been asking myself these questions about the town I live in - Cummington - and have decided to try and find some answers. Hosted by The New Rural Advocate, with the support of Josh Wachtel, I have launched my podcast: In These Hills with John Bye. In each episode I talk with friends, neighbors and others about living in our town. It's new territory for me in expected and unexpected ways. Give a listen and explore it with me at:  In These Hills"

John Bye