With Thanks!
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
It’s like daylight savings on steroids! Wednesday on Tuesday. Well, I’ll be out of town tomorrow, so here we go. A week to go! Be sure to join us Sunday for an all-church sharing on Zoom to offer comfort, company and hope. Details to come.
In the meantime, make calls, breathe deep, keep in touch and VOTE! Love, Steve
Sunday October 24, 2020
Dear WCCC, Tales from the work week: reflections on time, changes, promises -- and getting out of our own way. Stay Sane. Stay Safe. Stay Strong. VOTE! WCCC PO box 148 Cummington 01026
Wednesday October 21, 2020
Dear WCCC - Let's look back with gratitude for the Sunday service and with thanks to Tom, Nerissa and Katryna, Penny, Jack and the deacons. It was good for my soul -- and so was a Sunday off. Thanks to all who make this church possible. On the horizon:
Sunday, October 25: Church-In-A-Box
Sunday, November 1: Some form of live, virtual (I know, I know. Me, too) service with friends far and near.
Sunday, November 8: in-person service at the church. We'll need to be together. Details to be announced.
Love, Steve

Sunday, October 18, 2020
Wednesday October 14
Good Wednesday evening,
The rains are over, bringing down many of the leaves in Cummington. But the sun is shining and -- is it on the wind or under the wind? -- I don't know, but you can hear some distant music coming.
Upcoming services:
Lay Sunday, October 18th
November 1, something special, Zoomed and/or streamed.
November 8th will be in-person, outdoors or in. We need to be together.
Peace. love and late season greens, Steve
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Outside Together
Due to technical distractions, the rest of the recording is nowhere to be found. The service remains in our hearts.
Wednesday October 7, 2020
Dear WCCC,
Rainy October evening, but we've got warmer days ahead. Join us Sunday for our next outdoor service at 11:30. See earlier email. This evening we have true scripture, and two musicians, better known in other styles, who make church happen.
Please join us Sunday. Childcare at the Parish House.

Sunday, October 4, 2020
We have the harsh truth of the prophet, the sweetness of song prayers of the heart and a poem.01) Scripture from Galatians, Hosea and Psalm 12602) Prayers03) The Soul Stirrers with Sam Cooke "Peace In The Valley."04) Poem. You have heard the beginning of this in a sermon last month, but it just wouldn't let me go. So I kept going down that road. The poem is a meditation on Ed McCurdy's song "Last Night I Dreamed The Strangest Dream", a song we sing with Penny.05) Penny Schultz singing Victor Hugo's poem "Be Like A Bird"