With Thanks!

Sunday, August 30, 2020
Late summer is a deep peace. Fall is gathering, but it's behind the hill behind tomorrow. At the same time, this world is in a tangle and our hearts are in turmoil. All true and: Late summer is a deep peace.

Wednesday August 26, 2020
Dear WCCC, Extraordinary, gorgeous evening! A balm for the toxic national climate. Here we have:
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Welcoming New Members
Dancing in The Street
Wednesday August 19, 2020
Friends, It is Wednesday evening. We are making plans for a together, out-door service this Sunday at 9:30 at the church! While it is truly exciting, we also know that our whole Church-In-A-Box community can't gather. Some because of geographical distance, some in order to keep a safe quarantine. This isolation has created a strange new closeness and we will miss those who can't be with us at the church. We will record the parts of the service that we can and post it on the website, along with this service.
Mask up. Get down. Stay in touch.
Sunday August 16, 2020
Greetings WCCC,
Today's Lay Sunday is provided by members of the congregation. We are linking you to a Ted Talk with Andy Puddicombe, an English author, public speaker, teacher and former Buddhist Monk who offers a fun, compelling, and demonstrative talk called "All it Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes". Penny and Nerissa are providing music, Tom is reading from the Tao and Nerissa is offering Prayers.
We hope you are well, enjoying the slow slip of late summer into the season of butternut squash and cooler nights filled with beautiful cricket song!!
Best to all,
The Deacons
Wednesday August 12, 2020
Words of comfort; clear notes of hope from Penny; Gina and Ben give our marching orders.
Peace tonight, Sisters and Brothers.

Sunday August 9 , 2020
We have a lot to offer today.
Wednesday August 5, 2020
After the storm and the other storm, here is the Wednesday service, beginning with a link to Gina Coleman and Ben Kohn performing "Lay My Burden Down" courtesy of Misty Blues, by way of Val Kohn Then: Prayers and Penny inviting us to sing along to "Somebody's Knockin' "
NOTE: First day of the new website… The written content here is just a beginning, we have much more of a story to tell. Want to add to it? Send to Jack, Steve or Steve. Keep an eye on the site. Could photos be next? Help us out, share some.
Gina Coleman and Ben Kohn performing "Lay My Burden Down" courtesy of Misty Blues

Sunday August 2, 2020
What a week!
Did I say that last week? I'll say it again next week, God willing. We have new music from Jack as well as Laila and Jim. The Beatitudes and Prayers. A sermon in time of great loss and a rowdy recessional!
Love and summer