With Thanks!
Wednesday June 30, 2021
Dear WCCC,
What else to talk about but the weather? It’s as though I was still making hay (and a prayer for those who still do!). God makes the sun to shine on the evil and the good, the hidden potato and the obvious berry, for better and for not-so-good. The good news: God sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous alike, so you don’t have to worry about that.
For our service this evening, we’ve got William Blake's “Ah, Sunflower,” a meditation on time put to music by Greg Brown. And “The Sun Is Shining” a celebration by Jimmy Reed
Then today’s message about riding the weather, growing and raising the green.
To take us out, Slim Harpo’s “Raining n My Heart.” As if!

Wednesday June 23, 2021
Solstice, mid-summer season. A reflection on the round of work and rest when the nights are short, the resilience and joy.
Freddy King makes the rounds and we end the best way I know with Penny singing “I Know Moonlight."
- “The Stumble” Freddy King
- The Laborer (You) Worthy of Your Reward
- “I Know Moonlight” Penny Schultz
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Lay Service via Zoom
Wednesday June 16, 2021
Dear West Cummington, Wednesday, Blessed Wednesday. In the cool rainy weather recently, I was still warmed by the glow of the Sunday service. Next time we’re outdoors (June27), try it! If you missed the service, go to the section below for the YouTube (Yes) version. And thank you to our Titans of Technology, Jack and Steve Schiff. Here is a short message and music.
“Going Up The Country” It make take you back. It may take you forward. Based on Henry Thomas’ original, this is Canned Heat.
Message in appreciation of the mighty musicians.
“Farro Street Jive” Little Brother Montgomery, piano.
Wednesday June 9, 2021
Cousins, Here’s A Wednesday Message from the Land of Drought And Flashing Floods. We’re scheduled to meet outdoors at the church on Sunday the 13th, 10 a.m. And from this distance the weather report looks good (Jinx, No Jinx) Safety protocols observed. Bring a chair if you can and a mask for arrival/departure and if you're not vaccinated.
In the meantime, here’s the Wednesday Message. Love, Steve
Prelude: Bach “Minuet In G” Willie Nelson
“Didn’t It Rain” Mahalia Jackson
Psalm 19 Steve
Closing Song: “He Gave Me A Heart To Love” Elder David Ross
Sunday, Jun 6, 2021
Zoom Service
Wednesday June 2, 2021
Dear West Cummington,
Thanks to Ken Woofenden we have exciting new music by one of his musical heroes, Oliver Wood. Ken has shared Wood’s music with me for years. I think it’s time to welcome him to The Wednesday Message.
The lineup:
1) “Kindness” by Oliver Wood. Don’t miss the lyrics, as well as the groove
2) Wednesday Message: Prayer based on D’hul-Nun-al-Misri, a Sufi sage
3) “Now Is The Needed Time” A West Cummington favorite. This time by Oliver Wood.
See you soon,