West Cummington Congregational Church
Click here to go to the most recent recorded service - now including video
Meeting Times & Protocols During Covid
Dear West Cummington, at this time we are NOW meeting at the church on Sundays. On Wednesdays Steve P will continue to send Mid-Week Message.
Join us for all we have planned each Sunday and all that the moment will provide.
Please note that the Deacons have been hard at work, continuing to find ways forward. (All items are subject to major changes at the last minute; this is West Cummington.)
Stay Safe and Peace to All
Church In The Time Of Covid
Looking back to March of 2020:
In mid-March, we realized that this disease was serious and everywhere. But we clearly didn’t see how serious. We sent out an email saying that we would cancel services for March 15th and 22nd and then evaluate the situation. Gotta like the optimism. Of course, we haven’t been together in the beloved building since, through the coming of Daylight Savings Time, Maundy Thursday, Easter and rolling on into summer and beyond.
One wheel turns another, however, and we immediately began an emailed service called Church-In-A-Box, made up of recorded music, new and old, and fresh sermons. We even added a Wednesday evening service of prayer and music. The new reality has inspired our musicians to sing and play on the back porch, in the living room or home studio, just for us. These songs have an unmatched immediate intimacy. We are blessed and we are grateful to them forever. These services have been a hit and go out to listeners far from the little church on the hill. This popularity, in turn, created the need for a new website to archive the services -- and much more. This need brought forth modest friends who became web designers, archivists, up- and down-loaders and all around benevolent forces. They, too, receive our constant gratitude. As do you, listeners, readers, visitors. These are for you and they depend on you. There’s no sermon until it’s heard.
Busy connecting as best we can in the idiosyncratic, creative, West Cummington Way, we welcome you!
DIRECTIONS FOR USING THE SITE: Please go to the top of this page and choose “Services [year]”. Once you land on the page and month you chose, you will see that services are arranged in reverse chronological order with the most recent service at the top. You can play each part of the service and then play it over if you want to hear it again. You can also go back through other days and months to find previous recordings of words and music back to mid-March of 2020 when the Covid crisis began and the first time when services were sent to you by email.