Voting is power unleashed…

From the Poor People’s Campaign:

Voting is Power Unleashed! A Moral Mass Assembly

Join us Monday Sept. 14 at 7pm ET/ 4pm PT for an evening that will bring together thousands of poor and low-income people and their allies as we share tools and teach-in on voter engagement, registration and protection, and announce our upcoming activities this election season.

This massive online event will feature the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Forward Justice, the 43 PPC State Coordinating Committees, our co-chairs, directly impacted people, artists and special guests. You won’t want to miss it!

Register here to join!

Find at least five people to join you for a watch party - find five keep democracy alive!

With the DNC and RNC behind us, election season is in full swing in a democracy that seems to be crumbling before our eyes. Our voting rights have been stripped over the years with the gutting of the Voting Rights Act, racist gerrymandering and voter suppression, and now with an attack on the U.S. Postal Service, in a year where voters will be relying on casting their votes by mail more than ever.

It is clear that our rights are all but guaranteed. It's up to us, the time is now, our backs are against the wall, and we've got nothing to do but push.

 Read on to learn more about the current political and economic situation with our new weekly "Forward Focus" policy briefing, RSVP for our Sept. 14th forum on voting rights, and register for this week's trainings on how you can help protect the vote.

We Must Do M.O.R.E. – Mobilizing, Organizing, Registering and Educating for a Movement that Votes!

Get trained to protect the vote!

Become a MORE organizer this election season and join people across the country who are doing outreach in their communities, registering people to vote, and sharing information about the election and the Poor People's Jubilee Platform, while bringing them into the Poor People’s Campaign for the long haul. No experience necessary, anyone can become a MORE organizer!

 There are four upcoming trainings and the one on Sept. 13th will be exclusively in ASL.

Register for MORE Trainings & Take the Prophetic Pledge

Prophetic Pledge

For those affiliated with organizations and faith communities we ask that you do MORE by taking the Prophetic Pledge. We are calling for at least 1000 faith and community organizations to come together and pledge to each turnout 1000 people to vote. Click the button below to register for the trainings and indicate 'Prophetic Pledge' in the form.


Voter Movement Project