Recruit poll workers in Georgia!

Join SPLC's supporters from across the country in recruiting poll workers in Georgia!

Poll workers always play a critical role in the voting process. This year, poll workers are needed more than ever - to make sure people choosing to vote in-person, whether voting early or on Election Day, are safe and all eligible votes are fairly counted. In Georgia, there are 19 days of in-person early voting and non-partisan groups on the ground are busy recruiting to fill poll worker trainings across the state. That's why this Thursday, SPLC Power Hour will be calling into Georgia again to ask voters to  consider signing up to work the polls this Fall. 

Using your own phone in your own home, the SPLC Power Hour Virtual Phone Bank will provide you with a complete script, the name and phone numbers of voters, and easy-to-follow instructions to record the results of your conversation.



Voter Movement Project